Back to School Makeover

- Mark Emigh - Graphics - September 7, 2016

CEI literally went back to school this fall! As part of a multi-million dollar makeover of Hawken Upper School in Chesterland, Ohio, CEI designed, produced, and installed a new donor wall, interior design elements, and interior wayfinding signage for the school’s new Stirn Hall.

Working from the vision of Hawken’s architecture firm, CEI carried the exterior to the interior by repurposing siding cut-offs and combining them with a white-washed wood background to create the donor board which recognized the project’s benefactors. The individual names were printed on metal plaques and laminated for maximum life.

Hawken Donor Wall

In addition to the donor board, CEI designed and produced room numbers and printed cut-vinyl inspirational quotes that were applied directly to the walls to greet the 500 students resuming classes this fall. The renovation and expansion were celebrated with a public open house in late August.

Quote - The main purpose for which the school exists is the development of character - James A. Hawken

CEI is recognized for its ability to work closely with architects, marketing firms, and design contractors, to create beautiful corporate interiors and permanent installations. If your “back to school” plans include a facility facelift, contact us to see how we can become a valuable member of the home team.

Wayfinding Graphics - Peter Scott and John Tottenham Humanities Wing

– Photos: Courtesy of Hawken School and Joseph Darwal