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At CEI (Communication Exhibits, Inc.), we created our virtual event platform to build brand awareness, engage attendees with cool 3D exhibits and drive lead generation. This web-based internet platform uses the latest 3D webgl technology and a custom content manage system, that works with your vision and content. You will be happy with the increased leads, and your company’s Leadership will be pleased with the boost in sales. This PDF contains a list of features, benefits, and details of our tiered pricing.
After you’ve viewed the PDF, call at 330-854-4040 or email us at engage@ceilink.com to schedule a demo!
Enable, Engage, and Educate
CEI Leadership team members Brian Walters and Brett Marriner hosted a webinar on December 15, covering how next-level sales enablement tools can provide you the flexibility you need to present face-to-face with confidence, whether in-person or via Zoom. Watch this webinar to find out how you can advance buyers in the sales process, improve your close rate, and increase sales in 2021.
3D Tablet Apps, Augmented Reality, Videos, Virtual Facilities & Exhibits
This whitepaper contains a Sales enablement tool matrix detailing the unique sales challenges that each of our tools is best suited to solve, along with typical range pricing. Learn about our Interactive Virtual Navigation (IVN), Augmented Reality (AR), Video, Matterport, Virtual Event, Virtual Exhibit, and BizBOOK (Available on Apple and Android Devices) solutions.
Download our whitepaper to discover how the right Sales enablement tool can help you advance buyers in the sales process, improve your close rate, and increase sales.